Speech Pathology

As Speech Pathologists, we conduct assessments and provide intervention for children with a wide range of communication difficulties or delays.

This includes:

Speech sound difficulties or delays

  • Difficulty making speech sounds (e.g. lisp, sound substitutions, sound deletions, etc.)

Expressive language

  • Using words to verbally convey messages, thoughts and feelings
  • Sentence structure
  • Vocabulary development
  • Use of grammatical markers

Receptive language

  • Understanding of language
  • Following instructions
  • Understanding of written and verbal communication

Fluency (stuttering)

  • Can be characterised by verbal repetitions, blocking (getting “stuck” on words), excessive insertions (e.g. “um”), facial grimacing and more

Social communication

  • The ability to participate in play and social activities, vary communication for social purposes (e.g. taking perspective of others)
  • Understanding appropriate use of verbal and nonverbal communication


  • Phonological awareness (pre-literacy skills)
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spelling


  • Disorders of the voice relating to quality, pitch or volume

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

  • Communication devices, system, strategies and tools that support expressive and receptive language
  • Communication boards, picture exchange tools, speech generating devices

Cognitive communication disorders

  • Difficulties relating to attention, memory, organisation of thoughts, problem-solving and reasoning

Want to book your child in for a Speech Pathology assessment?

Feel free to get in touch to learn more!